A donation is directly used for the statutes of the association and thus serves the purpose of direct support without creating a reserve. You can, therefore, increase the annual funds appropriated from the income of the foundation capital. These funds are calculated from the return on equity less the necessary reserve for capital maintenance.
The donation is therefore suitable for amounts of up to 1,000 euros.
In this case, please note the term "Spende" ("donation") on your bank transfer. If you would like to donate a specific funding measure, please also note this on the transfer.
Our account for both cases:
Telemann Stiftung
IBAN: DE 46 2005 0550 1002 1667 32
Please do not forget the intended purpose.
For all payments, please add the complete address (donation receipt).
Endowment Contributions
Endowments are contributions to the foundation to increase the foundation's capital. In this way, it is ensured that the income from the share capital – and this includes the endowment contributions to the capital – is used to achieve the foundation's sustainable goals described in the statutes.
You will ensure that the foundation's long-term objectives can be continuously promoted from the returns of your endowment. Increasing the capital stock is essential for the existence of the foundation.
Also, the capital stock is protected against inflation by an annual capital maintenance reserve from the earnings. The endowment is therefore suitable for amounts above 1,000 euros.
Please note the term "Zustiftung" ("endowment") in your transfer.
Real estate is also possible as an endowment provided that it is not mortgaged. This can also be stipulated in a will. It is also possible that you make yourself "immortal" with an endowment, for example, by having a regularly awarded prize or scholarship named after you.
Please contact us so that we can advise you comprehensively. Contact Link
Document for the simplified donation receipt
For tax payers in Germany only, the "Document for the simplified donation receipt" attached below as a PDF, serves, together with the cash payment receipt or the account statement, as the simplified donation receipt following § 50 (2) EstDV. It is only valid for grants not exceeding 200 euros. For donations exceeding this amount, a donation receipt issued by the foundation according to an officially prescribed form is required as proof.